Good news

Good morning!

First I have to say thank you to all of you! For the first time since I am running this blog I checked the statistics about a month ago. I was very surprised and happy when I found out that there are up to 100 different people are reading my blog every day! And up to nearly 3000 every month!

Well that surprised me…. mostly because the menue and the gallery were really shit to use….

This has been changed now as u can see. Now the menue is by regions and journeys so the usability will be way better now as I hope!Gallery is more convinient to view now too.

Picture give away
Being surprised by so many views I would love to know who you are! If you have a few minutes time please tell me where you are from, what your age is and what is your purpose of reading my adventures. You can either leave a comment here and send me a mail to the adress in the contact section. Amongst all answers I get I will raffle a high quality printed photography of my journeys. Free choice for the lucky winner!

statistics april