December 10 Quetta

Km today: 0

I sleep very well and wake up around eight o clock. I don’t see anybody of the others so I go to the market to get internet, money and the things somebody can get in Quetta. (It’s a border town to Afghanistan so wifi for example not available). At the internet café I meet Adam and Justin. We have a little chat and as I can´t connect my computer here I decide to go to the market. I come across a gun market where many shops are selling every possible kind of fire arms I can imagine. Later Adam tells me an AK47 you can get for 200U$ here. Would make a nice souvenir if it was allowed to bring it home.

I take a long walk in the center but find nothing of interest. I have tea with some hindu people who live here for years and appreciate my language. Slowly I start to learn urdu too but is very hard as all the people talk a lot and fast to me believing I understand them. I don’t! Not at this talking speed. After chai I find internet café where it is possible to connect via cable. Internet is very fast so I can update all the last week in the blog and the pictures on facebook too. No time for utube as there is power cut an hour after I come there.

After not finding some of the things I need I decide to take rickshaw to the hotel. Rickshaw guy is very helpful and organizes everything I need for me. Best food for a long time for example!. Quetta itself is a pretty ugly asian city. People are amazing but it´s pretty cool up here in the mountains. The rickshaw wallah comes to the hotel half an hour before 6 to pick me up. We hurry up to get a new horn for suryananda but there is not enough time to find the right one as I have to be back at the hotel at 6 for security reasons. I invite my driver for chai in suryananda but he has to work until 9. I suggest he should come then and he answers in inviting me to his home. I promise to find out if it´s possible and invite him for tea at my place anyway at 9. At the reception I find out nothing possible. There is no way to visit local people after 6 o clock and local people are not allowed at the hotel area after 6 o clock too. Damnit! Well I am happy I was allowed to move without escort all day at least and we were back about quarter an hour too late anyway.

In the evening the eight of us (well seven – tanja is missing, I believe she has a little cultural shock but I did not ask, I hope she is fine) have nice desert together at the restaurant to say goodbye. All of us go sukkur tomorrow but bikes and cars will go separately. I appreciate this because I will not worry about my speed anymore then. The rickshaw guy doesn’t show up in the evening so no problem about this. Road will be amazing tomorrow. From Quetta we will go Bolan pass and then we go down to Sukkur at hindus river. No pictures today but wait for tomorrow!!