Jan 4. Belekan beach

I wake up early to be ready for yoga with Olga. I shared my bed with Charraz all night and he seems to be a little pissed I stand up so early but what to do. I feed him and find out he is room clean after. Nice! Olga sleeps a little longer so I enjoy Chai with Isabella from Zell am See. When Olga gets ready we make an amazing Yoga session together. She did some Yoga before and performs very well. Its pure bliss watching her and show her some tricks. After Yoga I take triple breakfast (I am so hungry all the time) have a chai and go to the village to get shaved and have some food there. In the afternoon Prakash wants to come with me to Gokarna but he has little fight with Prassat so he can´t go as the girls speak Kanada only and can´t take any orders from foreigners.

I go there alone to spend a little time at internet and do some shopping. I am superlucky to find hide and seek cookies – they are the best! I love too much! Omtatsat feels better today and I think about making a daytrip to Jog falls. I got Email from a friend from Austria today who will come to Gokarn in a few days so I maybe stay here a little longer. When going back to Belekan beach I stop for two cute Indian boys to give them a lift – I see their happiness being taken by a foreigner on an enfield. I believe they have even more fun than I! Prassat will be leaving in two days too so it will be even more quiet.

When I come back I hurry to Olga and Denis Bungalow to pick her up for Yoga at the beach. Unfortunately she seems to be sleeping so I go alone – too late for sunset but I enjoy doing my “problem” asanas and getting really better in performing them. I feel the differences too – regularly two times daily yoga at the beach changes my perception and makes me too much happy. After dinner Olga, Denis and I make a long walk at the beach and somewhere between some rocks sit down and share the hide and seeks. When we come back only Prakash is at the guesthouse so the four of us have a nice talk until late in the evening